Monday, October 25, 2010

Originality & Creativity

I'm sure I'm not alone in struggling with the idea of doing original and meaningful, work.  For a photographer, it is the holy grail.  However, sometimes I find myself so curious about a place, or idea, that despite it's being photographed before, and really what hasn't?  I want to explore it for myself.  The Salton Sea was that place, and it has been shot many times before.

It was every bit as strange as I had hoped, and then some.  But, I'm not sure my pictures added anything of value.  I guess going to the Salton Sea is a bit like shooting a story on boxing, it makes for some cool pictures, but nothing everyone hasn't seen before.  But is that essential?  Is it not O.K. to shoot pictures just because you want to?  Even if you know full well, they'll never change the world.

1 comment:

Kiwinky said...

As long as the picture changes your world in some way - then it's ok. :)