Thursday, October 14, 2010

Copyright-A call to arms!

I'm going to try to post more often.  Posts will include pictures, links, news, and random stuff that interests me.

Let's kick it off with a couple of links, one entry in the "truth is stranger than fiction category" and another one where someone who doesn't create copyrighted works, or make a living from creative work, is advocating that copyright is an outdated concept and should be abolished.

I love it when tenured professors, like Lawrence Lessig and Michael Geist, with a secure and stable income not reliant on constantly creating and innovating, say that copyright laws need to recognize that creative works should be allowed to be used without compensation, or authorization, to or from the creator of the work.  The reality is, that as a photographer, if I can't be paid for my work, I can't afford to do it.  While I'm not saying that it would be a huge loss to society if I stopped creating, but what if all copyright holders stopped creating?  The vast majority of copyright holders are individuals like me, not big multi national corporations that these guys love to hate.  Sure, some copyright holders make vast amounts of money from their work, but most are like me, creative individuals who love what they do and try to support their family through their work.

1 comment:

Brian said...

I wonder how they'd feel if their intellectual property was violated and someone used their work / ideas without consent. And what about any articles or books they've had published? They're happy for those to be put out there without the publishers paying them then? Yeah, right.

It's bad enough that many photographers already give up copyright by signing the stupidest contracts without these losers calling for copyright to be further diluted.