Thursday, January 19, 2012

Free DSLR Workflow Workshop

This one is completely free.  I will be doing a DSLR Workflow workshop at Langara College on Saturday from 9:00am-4:00PM.  The workshop is geared towards people trying to get a handle on all things digital.  From IPTC, histograms, file formats, archiving, editing, Lightroom and Photoshop.  This free course offers a great introduction to managing all those fabulous photos you've been making with your new camera that Santa brought to you.

Call the Langara Continuing studies office to register:  604.323.5322


Unknown said...

The workshop was very informative. Thank you.

RealtorBen said...

the workshop was great; tonnes of info for beginners looking to get into photography at any level. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great workshop Chris. I learned a ton. You did a wonderful job. Much appreciated.

Unknown said...

Hi All,

Thanks for the comments, I'm glad you enjoyed the workshop.

Anonymous said...

hi Chris,
I am just wondering if you are offering more free work in April, I missed the workshop in February.


Unknown said...

There will be another free DSLR workshop at Langara on April 28th.