Thursday, June 9, 2011

I'm Back...

OK, I’ve been gone a while.  I know, I should have left a note, or something, saying when I’d be back.  You were probably worried, I’m sorry.  It won’t happen again, OK?  
I’ve been busy.  For starters, I’ve got a new website.  I’d love you to check it out, and let me know what you think.  I’m also working on a new series of photos, I’ll let you know when I start posting them.
I’ve done some great assignments lately, some of which I’ll be posting over the next while.  I have also been busy teaching.  You’ll see some of that too.  Wow, that’s a lot of promises, but I figure I owe you.  You were loyal, reading my posts, and then I went and disappeared on you.
I’m going to start by posting from my next assignment.  I’m on a plane heading to Montreal, to shoot the Formula 1 race.  It’s always fun to shoot this race, I get to go back and see old friends and colleagues.  I also love the challenge of shooting something different  I have made a career out of shooting a wide variety of subjects, and the Grand Prix, is about as different from anything else as I shoot as possible.  I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t want to shoot Formula 1 every week, but I’m equally sure I wouldn’t want to do anything week after week.  For me, that’s what I love about my work, it’s never the same from one day to the next.  You’ll see that as I post some work from recent, and upcoming shoots.
I’ve gotta run, the stewardess, sorry I mean flight attendant, is shrieking at me to shut down my computer.  Don’t tell her, but my phone’s still on.
Stay tuned, for action from the track...


Tracey Tomtene said...

great to see u back! love the new site...jaw dropped a few times looking through all the new images. as always, u r a source of great inspiration:) safe and happy travels!

Kendra Coupland said...

welcome back! Any plans for VPW this summer/fall?

Unknown said...

Thanks Tracey.

Kendra, I'll be posting some workshop dates for VPW and Langara as soon as they are confirmed. Stay tuned.

Kendra Coupland said...

Sweet! thanks Chris! I'm going to take advanced studio this summer w/ Greg so I can hopefully study editorial if it's offered in the fall! Hope you're enjoying your summer so far.

PS I had my baby - If you feel so inclined you can check out some pics here.

Unknown said...

Hi Kendra, Congratulations on your little baby girl. She's a cutie. Don't bother with Greg's class, take my editorial class in August ;-)